About Us
Built in the 1920s, the Boston Harbor Marina has been the heart of the community and a gem of the South Sound for decades. The involvement and support of the community is one of the reasons we love to live and work in this special place.

You'll usually find Kate (left) behind the front counter, keeping things running smoothly. She's Cam's daughter and brings her MBA and Target experience to marina operations.
Cam (right) is Kate's mom and co-owner. She keeps the ice cream machine in tip top shape, handles most of the paperwork, and just generally makes sure everyone is having a grand ol' time.
Clancy has a background in outdoor recreation and guiding. He will talk kayaks, boating, and fishing with you as long as you'll listen. And he's the guy bringing all the great beer and music to our summer events.
The Snack Shack team brings you that homemade clam chowder, fish & chips, cheeseburgers, and more. You'll also find our delicious espresso and breakfast at the Snack Shack window. Give 'em a high five next time you see these lovely ladies and gentlemen!
Our Store and Dock Team is here to help launch you on your kayaking adventures, pour you a beer, and give advice on how to build the perfect soft serve ice cream cone.
It'll be hard to miss these hard working team members. Ida (left) is usually found on the beach trying to snuggle with you. And Cleat and Buoy (right) are usually found on the deck trying to snuggle with you. You've been warned.